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1 - 36 of 989 results

Aegasteroceras sagittarium

Product no.: 350

120.00 *
In stock

Hoplites sp

Product no.: 122

400.00 *
In stock

Dactylioceras sp

Product no.: 107

20.00 *
In stock

Dactylioceras athleticum

Product no.: 109

13.00 *
In stock

Promicroceras planicosta

Product no.: 115

65.00 *
In stock

Calycoceras (Newboldiceras) asiaticum

Product no.: 15

70.00 *
In stock

Reineckeiidae (pathological)

Product no.: 12

20.00 *
In stock

Puzosia mozambica

Product no.: 157

15.00 *
In stock

Choffatia isabellae

Product no.: 18

25.00 *
In stock

Barremites difficilis

Product no.: 253

5.00 *
In stock

Passendorferia birmensdorfense

Product no.: 218

11.00 *
In stock

Dimorphoplites chloris

Product no.: 325

70.00 *
In stock

Procerites (Siemiradzkia) aurigerus [m]

Product no.: 252

36.00 *
In stock

Acanthopleuroceras valdani Reserved K

Product no.: 281

40.00 *

Oppelia sp

Product no.: 256

12.00 *
In stock

Oistoceras figulinum

Product no.: 285

120.00 *
In stock

Anahoplites sp

Product no.: 321

7.00 *
In stock

Pseudocrioceras provinciale

Product no.: 444

650.00 *
Old price 950.00 €
In stock

New Desmoceras latidorsatum

Product no.: 324

5.00 *
In stock

Baculites sp

Product no.: 333

11.00 *
In stock

Euhoplites alphalautus

Product no.: 327

25.00 *
In stock

Oppelia subradiata

Product no.: 299

25.00 *
In stock

Choffatia isabellae [m]

Product no.: 304

28.00 *
In stock

Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 358

80.00 *
In stock

Scaphites sp

Product no.: 448

40.00 *
In stock

Dimorphoplites biplicatus

Product no.: 513

60.00 *
In stock

Orthaspidoceras lallierianum

Product no.: 389

280.00 *

Peltoceras marysae

Product no.: 376

45.00 *
In stock

Arnioceras sp

Product no.: 39

13.00 *
In stock

Sutneria sp [m]

Product no.: 43

8.00 *
In stock

Harpoceras falciferum

Product no.: 421

12.00 *
In stock

Beudanticeras sp Bully

Product no.: 468

12.00 *
In stock

Pseudogrammoceras fallaciosum

Product no.: 431

48.00 *
In stock

Quenstedtoceras henrici (?)

Product no.: 392

15.00 *

Quenstedtoceras lamberti

Product no.: 451

35.00 *

Ptychoceras sp

Product no.: 518

120.00 *
Old price 160.00 €
In stock
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 36 of 989 results