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1 - 36 of 141 results

Hoplites sp

Product no.: 122

400.00 *
In stock

Puzosia mozambica

Product no.: 157

15.00 *
In stock

Dimorphoplites chloris

Product no.: 325

70.00 *
In stock

Anahoplites sp

Product no.: 321

7.00 *
In stock

New Desmoceras latidorsatum

Product no.: 324

5.00 *
In stock

Euhoplites alphalautus

Product no.: 327

25.00 *
In stock

Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 358

80.00 *
In stock

Dimorphoplites biplicatus

Product no.: 513

60.00 *
In stock

Beudanticeras sp Bully

Product no.: 468

12.00 *
In stock

Hamites attenuatus and H.maximus

Product no.: 353

140.00 *
In stock

Proleymeriella schrammeni

Product no.: 460

22.00 *
In stock

New Beudanticeras newtoni Bully

Product no.: 6580

8.00 *
In stock

New Beudanticeras newtoni Bully

Product no.: 6579

12.00 *
In stock

New Lyelliceras sp

Product no.: 6573

45.00 *

Mortoniceras sp 300mm !

Product no.: 5113

1,800.00 *
In stock

Pseudohelicoceras perelegans Reserved MH

Product no.: 6517

80.00 *

New Beudanticeras beudanti

Product no.: 6479

12.00 *
In stock

New Brancoceras sp

Product no.: 6432

8.00 *

New Brancoceras sp

Product no.: 6431

12.00 *

8 ammonites from Folkestone Albian

Product no.: 3502

30.00 *
In stock

New Ostlingoceras puzosianum

Product no.: 6367

30.00 *
In stock

New Polished Douvilleiceras inaequinodum

Product no.: 6347

40.00 *
In stock

New Polished Douvilleiceras inaequinodum

Product no.: 6346

40.00 *
In stock

New Douvilleiceras inaequinodum

Product no.: 6345

65.00 *

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum 160mm

Product no.: 6344

110.00 *
In stock

New Phylloceras sp

Product no.: 6340

28.00 *

New Puzosia quenstedti

Product no.: 6322

190.00 *
In stock

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 6317

14.00 *
In stock

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 6316

12.00 *
In stock

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 6315

9.00 *

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 6314

9.00 *
In stock

New Cleoniceras besairiei

Product no.: 6312

13.00 *
In stock

New Hoplites dentatus x 2

Product no.: 6311

9.00 *

New Phylloceras (Goretophylloceras) inflatum

Product no.: 6306

28.00 *

New Douvilleiceras mammillatum

Product no.: 6305

11.00 *
In stock

New Beudanticeras cf.albense

Product no.: 6304

20.00 *
In stock
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 36 of 141 results